Artesian Spring Oriental Medicine

Artesian Spring Oriental Medicine
Terry Fox
Street Address:
4730 S. College Ave Suite 103
Fort Collins
Zip Code/Postal Code:
At Artesian Spring Oriental Medicine, we are an integrity-based, provider of Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and holistic healing methods for anyone in the Fort Collins and Northern Colorado area suffering under stress, illness, and injury.

We offer a natural, holistic healing experience for Northern Colorado Baby Boomers who are desperate to avoid the ill effects of high stress and age-related illnesses such as cardiac disease, hypertension, and arthritis.

We also specialize in promoting the performance of Northern Colorado’s martial artists who are hungry to master their martial path.  Many feel the frustration of being forced to limit their training due to chronic, nagging injuries like sprains and strains, hyperextended joints, and broken bones.

Our distinctive, clear-cut process takes the mystery out of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, preaching prevention first and intervention second.  We work in integrity with each patient on an individual basis, providing customized care and fresh insight into their health issues.  At ASOM, we hold ourselves to the highest standard of integrity.  For our patients willing do the same, our Healthy Harmony Promise guarantees satisfaction or we’ll give their money back.  We embolden our patients to be personally responsible for their own health.

Artesian Spring Oriental Medicine:  Reconnect.  Return.  Revive!™
