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Practice Name:
Hawken Acupuncture is the Dallas acupuncture office of Dr Elijah Hawken, Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, Licensed Acupuncturist, Nationally Board Certified Chinese Herbalist (NCCAOM). Elijah has been in practice since 2005, and she is dedicated to supporting your health, happiness, and continued wellness. Common areas of treatment are women's health, pain, orthopedics, neuro-acupuncture, post-stroke recovery, migraines, sciatica, allergies, and more. Please visit the website for more information: www.HawkenAcupuncture.com
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Our office specializes in Women's health issues and couple's fertility. We also work on pain cases and other health complaints that come through our doors.
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David LeGar L. Ac is a licensed acupuncturist in the State of Arizona. He received his Master of Science in Oriental Medicine at Phoenix Institute of Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture. David has over three thousand hours of training in both acupuncture and herbs.
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Oklahoma City Chiropractor, Cody Elledge DC is one of the leading chiropractors in the area at combining chiropractic medicine, injury rehabilitation and degeneration prevention. He is committed to providing pain relief for many symptoms and conditions so that you can have a higher quality of life.
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Melody J Clancy, A.P. specializes in working with Veteran’s, PTSD, and is trained in CISM. With specialized training in Pain, Addiction, Pediatrics, Internal Medicine, and also Facial Rejuvenation. She has worked with Active Duty military personnel and sports teams. Dr. Clancy also deals in innovative, noninvasive treatments.
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Improving the quality of life by offering specific services to meet the needs of each client by customizing acupuncture treatment plans for physical and emotional healing.
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Carine Camara is an intuitive guide, acupuncturist, energy medicine practitioner, and the Host of the Infinite Love Podcast. Her mission is to help people heal. Carine’s offerings/services are a unique blend of intuitive and energetic healing, practical science, and care. She has devoted her life to the study of physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness. For the last 20 years, she has immersed myself in the healing sciences. Carine began by studying plant based nutrition, to heal her own physical issues, and later obtained her Masters in Chinese Medicine. Her practice and knowledge continued to expand, as she trained in Energy Medicine, and works closely with spiritual coaches, teachers and more. For those who are suffering from chronic illness, highly sensitive and/or looking for support in their lives, Carine has a wealth of knowledge to guide you back to wellness. She has an online practice and a holistic clinic located in Lafayette - where she serves the community.
Practice Name:
Health is more than just the absence of disease.
At Elaia Integrative Healthcare, we treat everyone as a whole being, not just as a diagnosis' or a symptom. To obtain true health you must address the structural, chemical, and spiritual aspects of a person. Finding the root cause will eliminate the branches of patterns that manifest.
We will closely look at all aspects of your life in order to help you achieve your highest state of health.
At Elaia Integrative Healthcare, we treat everyone as a whole being, not just as a diagnosis' or a symptom. To obtain true health you must address the structural, chemical, and spiritual aspects of a person. Finding the root cause will eliminate the branches of patterns that manifest.
We will closely look at all aspects of your life in order to help you achieve your highest state of health.
Practice Name:
Our 100% natural and holistic treatments help people to become more active, mobile and energetic, so they can work hard, take good care of their families and have fun with friends, without painkillers, injections or surgery. Our clinic specializes on using Physical Therapy and acupuncture to treat musculoskeletal problems such as back pain, knee pain, neck pain, etc. Our other specialty is using acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine to treat digestive system problems, women's health issues, stress-related problems and neurological problems.
Practice Name:
As a holistic health and wellness center, we provide physical, emotional, and spiritual health and wellness treatments that are based on the wisdom of Eastern medicines.