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Practice Name:
Acupuncture & Wellness Center of Fort Lauderdale specializes in pain management for people of all ages and all stages of life. Whether it is maternity pain, or just pain that comes with old age, we are here to rid you of discomfort and get you back to living your life to the fullest!
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Drawn to many of the mystical practices that originated in ancient China for most of my life, I’ve been a California state licensed acupuncturist since 2002 and a student of the Jade Purity branch of Daoism since 2001.
After many years of questioning the nature of reality, and using these practices to work through my own struggles, heal old wounds, and find a deeper connection to the Divine, I’ve personally seen just how powerful and transformative this path can be.
It has been my blessing to hold space for the journey of my clients and students many times over and I’m constantly inspired by the strength and beauty of the human spirit.
My studies of medicine, meditation, philosophy, mindfulness-based practices, and religion have always been focused on the practical application of these subjects in the lives of my clients and myself.
After many years of questioning the nature of reality, and using these practices to work through my own struggles, heal old wounds, and find a deeper connection to the Divine, I’ve personally seen just how powerful and transformative this path can be.
It has been my blessing to hold space for the journey of my clients and students many times over and I’m constantly inspired by the strength and beauty of the human spirit.
My studies of medicine, meditation, philosophy, mindfulness-based practices, and religion have always been focused on the practical application of these subjects in the lives of my clients and myself.
Practice Name:
Better Health Naturally! Applying wellness of Chinese medicine to the health and wellness challenges of our busy modern lives, we create space for healing for everyone.
Practice Name:
Our primary acupuncture physician holds a Masters of Science Degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine and with over 3200 hours of training in acupuncture, herbal prescriptions and Western medical assessment. We specialize in areas such as chronic and acute pain, digestive upset, headaches, infertility and adjunctive cancer & chemotherapy treatment. We offer the highest quality acupuncture treatments in a luxurious and relaxed setting. Contact us today to find out if your insurance policy includes acupuncture treatment for health concern or medical condition.
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Specialized in reproductive health, pre-natal and postpartum care, pain management, autoimmune disorders, detoxification.
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Welcome to Acupuncture Healing, where patients benefit from the highest quality of individualized care. We treat a wide range of conditions with acupuncture, including Aroma Acupoint Therapy, which invloves using essential oils with every treatment, and many other services in a relaxed and peaceful setting. Toni has her Masters of Oriental Medicine, graduating from Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in 1999, and holds a Bachelors Degree in Psychology as well.
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We are one of the best acupuncture services in Orange County, California. We offer Trigger point therapy, Cupping therapy, Gua Sha, Chinese medicine, Cosmetic acupuncture, microneedling, and Neuropuncture.
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Practice Name:
Integrated Chinese Medicine.
- Acupuncture
- Chinese herbal Medicine
- Brain tap sessions
- HeartMath interventions
- Heart Rate Variability test
Special interests:
- Growth and transformation
- Management of stress
- Anxiety and depression
- Natural foods and diets
- Weight management
- Hormonal balance
- Fertility
- Healthy skin
- Pain management
- Acupuncture
- Chinese herbal Medicine
- Brain tap sessions
- HeartMath interventions
- Heart Rate Variability test
Special interests:
- Growth and transformation
- Management of stress
- Anxiety and depression
- Natural foods and diets
- Weight management
- Hormonal balance
- Fertility
- Healthy skin
- Pain management
Practice Name:
Traditional Chinese Medicine & Five Element Acupuncturist. British Acupuncture Council Member & Cosmetiic Acupuncture UK Member.