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Acupuncture practice located in the Harlem neighborhood of New York City. Linyana treats men and women of all ages suffering from acute and chronic pain and anxiety disorders. New patients are accepted.
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Red Earth Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine clinic was established in the Fall of 2007 with the mission of assisting people take back control of their health and who are eager for effective health solutions not based on pharmaceuticals or surgery. David Toone, L.Ac. David Toone is a classically trained acupuncturist and herbalist. Rawls Whittlesey, L.Ac. is a classically trained acupuncturist. Both are licensed to practice in Georgia.
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Licensed acupuncturist with 15 years of bodywork experience. Located across the beach in Pacific Beach.
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At The WellBridge Clinic we know how amazing Acupuncture and Traditional East Asian Medicine can be and we will help you over come your health problems. Our mission is to be the bridge that lifts health and wellness to a new level. We all live in the 21st century, but the tools of Acupuncture really don't have to be weird or 'woo-woo.' Our lead acupuncturist and Medical Director, John Rybak connects 3000 years of medicine to the scientific, evidence based medical model we should all expect. That all translates to less Pain, fewer Injuries, reduced Stress, eliminated Allergies, better Sleep, and a clear head so that you can thrive.
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As a holistic health and wellness center, we provide physical, emotional, and spiritual health and wellness treatments that are based on the wisdom of Eastern medicines.
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Experience deep inner peace and healing through acupuncture at PB Acu.
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Our chiropractor in Complete Wellness clinic specializes in non-invasive, and rehabilitative medicine that are designed to help your body get better and stay better without the use of harsh chemicals or surgeries. We are serving patients from Midtown to Upper Manhattan.
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Traditional Chinese Medicine Herbalist | Holistic Health Expert
Specializes in: Dermatology (Eczema, Acne etc), Digestive Disorders, Chronic Disease. For adults and children of all ages and genders.
Location: Virtual care from anywhere in USA & CA.
Juliette Aiyana, is a nationally board-certified and New York State-licensed acupuncturist with a Master's Degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine. With over 20 years of experience, she specializes in treating chronic and stubborn diseases, including dermatology, autoimmune disorders, allergies, asthma, digestive disorders, and more.
Her passion for holistic dermatology deepened when her son was born with eczema, leading her to create a successful Chinese herbal therapy program for him.
Ms. Aiyana is an author, educator, and dedicated practitioner, offering virtual consulting to clients and helping them integrate restorative holistic practices to gain agency of their health.
Apart from her work, she binges on shows & podcasts, spoils her dog, and shops for infinite snacks for her teenager.
Instagram: @julietteaiyanaholisticderm
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@julietteaiyana
Specializes in: Dermatology (Eczema, Acne etc), Digestive Disorders, Chronic Disease. For adults and children of all ages and genders.
Location: Virtual care from anywhere in USA & CA.
Juliette Aiyana, is a nationally board-certified and New York State-licensed acupuncturist with a Master's Degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine. With over 20 years of experience, she specializes in treating chronic and stubborn diseases, including dermatology, autoimmune disorders, allergies, asthma, digestive disorders, and more.
Her passion for holistic dermatology deepened when her son was born with eczema, leading her to create a successful Chinese herbal therapy program for him.
Ms. Aiyana is an author, educator, and dedicated practitioner, offering virtual consulting to clients and helping them integrate restorative holistic practices to gain agency of their health.
Apart from her work, she binges on shows & podcasts, spoils her dog, and shops for infinite snacks for her teenager.
Instagram: @julietteaiyanaholisticderm
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@julietteaiyana
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Apple A Day Clinic in Arlington Heights, IL has been helping people naturally for over 16 years! Check out our award winning clinic at www.apple-a-day-clinic.com
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My name Is Michelle Tunis and I am a board certified Acupuncture Physician
licensed to practice in the state of Florida. I am partnered with Sports
and Orthopedic Specialists in Palm Beach Gardens as their official
I received my Associate in Science Degree in Medical Assisting followed by
a Bachelor’s Degree in Alternative Medicine from Everglades University. I
then attended ATOM, Atlantic Institute for Oriental Medicine in Fort
Lauderdale, where I studied Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. I received
a second Bachelor’s Degree in Health Sciences, and also hold a Master’s
Degree in Oriental Medicine.
I have had extensive training in holistic medicine and benefited from
working with the top doctors from China.
licensed to practice in the state of Florida. I am partnered with Sports
and Orthopedic Specialists in Palm Beach Gardens as their official
I received my Associate in Science Degree in Medical Assisting followed by
a Bachelor’s Degree in Alternative Medicine from Everglades University. I
then attended ATOM, Atlantic Institute for Oriental Medicine in Fort
Lauderdale, where I studied Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. I received
a second Bachelor’s Degree in Health Sciences, and also hold a Master’s
Degree in Oriental Medicine.
I have had extensive training in holistic medicine and benefited from
working with the top doctors from China.