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Trained in the US and China, we specialize in pain management, allergy relief, infertility, insomnia, and migraines.
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Laurie Mitchell is passionate about natural medicine, providing both Acupuncture and custom Chinese herbal medicine to treat patients on an individual basis yielding excellent results. Typical patients include pain management as well as internal disease. Serving the beautiful Finger Lakes are with two convenient locations (Canandaigua and Penn Yan). Accepting insurances including Blue Cross/Blue Shield, MVP, Aetna, United Health Care & Cigna without pre-approval. Also accepting No Fault and Veterans Administration patients with pre-approval. Competitive rates for uninsured. Free phone consults Mon thru Fri.
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Acupuncture Continuum offers noninvasive, non expensive treatments for men, women, and families. Whether you suffer from acute or chronic pain, we have the means to help soothe your aching bones, bringing peace and serenity to your body and mind. We've been in business since 1996, bringing relief from pain, injuries, and "untreatable conditions" to the San Diego area with our relaxed and capable staff.
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Utilizing a variety of integrative services including:
acupuncture, essential oils, herbal medicine, acupressure, traditional dietary advice, meditation techniques and energy exercise Dr Vickery tailors each treatment to meet your needs and help you attain your wellness goals
acupuncture, essential oils, herbal medicine, acupressure, traditional dietary advice, meditation techniques and energy exercise Dr Vickery tailors each treatment to meet your needs and help you attain your wellness goals
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Acupuncturist, Chinese Herbalist and Chinese Diet Therapy practitioner - 13+years experience.
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Our center is an authentic natural health clinic specialized in treating mind, body and spiritual problems through authentic Chinese acupuncture, customized herb formula, unique nutrition supplements and counseling.
At Life Essentials TCM Center, we combine the ancient wisdom and natural holistic approach of Chinese Medicine with the specialties of our practitioners to improve the quality of your life and help you live longer and better. If you or your family and friends have some health issues that has not responded to conventional medicine, you should consider TCM as a viable alternative.
At Life Essentials TCM Center, we combine the ancient wisdom and natural holistic approach of Chinese Medicine with the specialties of our practitioners to improve the quality of your life and help you live longer and better. If you or your family and friends have some health issues that has not responded to conventional medicine, you should consider TCM as a viable alternative.
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New York PAPA Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine
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The Beijing Acupuncture and Herbal Clinic was established by Dr. Du in the year 2000. It has been since then that Dr. Du is known for his health services in Roswell and Greater Atlanta GA. Under his guidance, the dedicated team at this clinic ensures the highest quality care for every patient seeking health and well-being.
They have Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine treatments along with electro-acupuncture, acupressure, moxibustion, neurology treatment of disorder, Cupping and Tui Na massage. Delivering the best medical and health care services, the clinic strives on helping patients achieve balance and wellness in the physical, mental and emotional aspects of their lives.
They have Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine treatments along with electro-acupuncture, acupressure, moxibustion, neurology treatment of disorder, Cupping and Tui Na massage. Delivering the best medical and health care services, the clinic strives on helping patients achieve balance and wellness in the physical, mental and emotional aspects of their lives.
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Hello and welcome to Peachtree City Acupuncture. I am thrilled you are considering acupuncture and Chinese medicine as a part of your healing path. I know that for some this medicine can seem strange but I invite you to explore it and see what benefits it has in store for you.
Acupuncture and Chinese medicine are my passion and I feel blessed that I have the opportunity to offer value in this way to our community. I also love to chat with people and answer your specific questions, so please feel free to call me.
Acupuncture and Chinese medicine are my passion and I feel blessed that I have the opportunity to offer value in this way to our community. I also love to chat with people and answer your specific questions, so please feel free to call me.
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Tang Acupuncture Center practices traditional Chinese medicine, which has been practiced for thousands of years. Dr. Tang was trained in China, and now provides the Cupertino, CA area with effective acupuncture treatment, holistic treatment, and traditional Chinese medicine. Come to Dr. Tang and leave with the the stress drained from your muscles and mind.