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Acupuncturist, Cupping/Hijama, Chinese Herbal Medicine practitioner
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I am an accomplished alternative healthcare professional, with over 22 years of hands on experience in the bodywork field. I am passionate about acupuncture because of what it has done for me personally, and the positive results that I have witnessed for so many of my patients. It is important to me as your practitioner, to provide a treatment plan that is unique to you, and supports your health goals. I usually ask that you commit to 3 treatments. Generally, results are experienced by then. At that time we will re-evaluate and determine which course of action is best.
I have been a licensed acupuncturist since 2003. My training includes TCM, Japanese and Acupuncture Physical Medicine. APM is a unique needle technique taught at Tri-State College. This technique uses a motion that releases muscle constriction and trigger points, thereby promoting the free flow of Qi. My experience includes treating a variety of medical conditions including but not limited to anxiety, depression, muscular conditions, sciatica, neck and back pain, tendonitis, asthma, headaches, neuropathy, sleep disorders, skin conditions and fertility. Primarily I use needles, but may also use cupping, guasha, and massage. I have experience with adults as well as children. I also take no-fault insurance and participate in some private insurances.
I have been a licensed acupuncturist since 2003. My training includes TCM, Japanese and Acupuncture Physical Medicine. APM is a unique needle technique taught at Tri-State College. This technique uses a motion that releases muscle constriction and trigger points, thereby promoting the free flow of Qi. My experience includes treating a variety of medical conditions including but not limited to anxiety, depression, muscular conditions, sciatica, neck and back pain, tendonitis, asthma, headaches, neuropathy, sleep disorders, skin conditions and fertility. Primarily I use needles, but may also use cupping, guasha, and massage. I have experience with adults as well as children. I also take no-fault insurance and participate in some private insurances.
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Traditional Chinese Medicine for dermatology. We treat patients and hand craft fine herbal skin care products. Based in Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
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We do Shiatsu Japanese Massage Therapy and distal style Acupuncture (mostly arms and legs.)
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I am an new york state licensed acupuncturist and graduate of tri- state college of acupuncture where i earned a master of science in acupuncture, traditional chinese medicine, kiiko matsumoto, and acupuncture physical medicine styles of acupuncture. in addition to my graduate studies, i also studied privately under a daoist grandmaster of herbs and acupuncture as well as korean hand acupuncture and silver rings therapy under a seasoned teacher.
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Fully Licenced Acupuncturist based in Snaith near Goole and Selby.
Maybe you want to cut back on tablets or avoid lengthy medications. Try a therapy that has very little side effects or want help with other side effects?
There are many reasons why people choose acupuncture but the main reason is that acupuncture can treat the body as a whole. By this we mean that not only can acupuncture treat the main complaint but you will find that other problem ailments will start to diminish as the treatment progresses. In Chinese medicine we believe in treating the root of a disease as well its presenting symptoms.
Maybe you want to cut back on tablets or avoid lengthy medications. Try a therapy that has very little side effects or want help with other side effects?
There are many reasons why people choose acupuncture but the main reason is that acupuncture can treat the body as a whole. By this we mean that not only can acupuncture treat the main complaint but you will find that other problem ailments will start to diminish as the treatment progresses. In Chinese medicine we believe in treating the root of a disease as well its presenting symptoms.
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I'm passionate about helping people be their best, physically, emotionally and mentally.
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We’re a family-centered chiropractic office in Cumming, Georgia. Our mission is to offer a solution to your family’s health care needs by providing exceptional neurologically-based chiropractic care and nutrition to those of all ages. Arise Family Chiropractic uses state of the art technology to properly address your family’s health concerns and then works to correct these issues by re-establishing proper structure and function to the body. Our goal is to restore healing within your body so that you and your family are happy, healthy, and living life optimally!
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Treating Fertility Issues for over 12 years.
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Dr. Diane Oliva, AP is a board certified Acupuncture Physician who treats mind, body and spirit in a safe, effective, relaxing environment using Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Herbs, Sound, Color and various other holistic techniques. Come experience her unique treatments. Consultations are free. Call to book an appointment today 941-313-6123.