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I focus on patient health care and health maintenance with balanced treatments including handwork, non-invasive treatment for children, specialized traditional and modern tools and techniques, herbal remedies, nutrition and dietary counseling.
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Welcome to Silver Acupuncture, where patients benefit from the highest quality of individualized care. Professionals experienced in treating a wide range of conditions provide acupuncture and Chinese herbal therapies in a relaxed and peaceful setting. Contact us to learn how this extraordinary medicine can optimize your quality of life.
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We are a progressive, full-service clinic of acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine offering natural treatments for such issues as pain, post-traumatic recovery, hormonal imbalances, infertility, signs of aging, digestive disorders, stress/anxiety and many chronic health conditions. Our passion is to help patients work towards achieving their goals of better health and wellness through promoting inner/outer balance and facilitating the body's own natural ability to heal itself.
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Experienced Doctor with a demonstrated history of working in the health wellness industry. Skilled in Acupuncture, Fertility, Naturopathic Medicine, Auricular Acupuncture, Holistic Health, Herbal Medicine, and Prevention. Strong healthcare services professional with a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine and Masters in Acupuncture from Bastyr University, Seattle, WA.
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Acupuncture, acupressure, and medical massage. Acupuncture techniques include TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), Japanese style, Korean, Tan, ah shi, and 5 Element. Osteopathic Bodywork (medical massage) is based on neurology and connective tissue anatomy. Techniques include muscle energy, Still technique, Trager, percussion, and myofascial release. Slow, gentle movements help retrain chronically tight muscles and reset their level of tension. This generates better blood flow, speeds healing, and increases flexibility. OMM (Osteopathic Musculoskeletal Manipulation) corrects problems long-term by addressing the muscles that actually pull bones out of place. Once the muscles are relaxed, any misaligned bones can be eased into their proper position. Results are more lasting than with a traditional massage. Pretty pre-printed gift certificates are available. Corporate day events, and house calls may be scheduled with an additional charge based on location. Accident insurance accepted. Sessions range from $55 (acupuncture or massage only) to $90 for a regular session including both. Ask about discount packages. Smoking cessation treatments are FREE.
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The healing art of Five Element Acupuncture.
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Acupuncture Continuum offers noninvasive, non expensive treatments for men, women, and families. Whether you suffer from acute or chronic pain, we have the means to help soothe your aching bones, bringing peace and serenity to your body and mind. We've been in business since 1996, bringing relief from pain, injuries, and "untreatable conditions" to the San Diego area with our relaxed and capable staff.
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Acupuncture, cupping and herbs for sports injuries, pain management, PMS, digestive issues, migraines and more.
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Karoline Gostl is a licensed acupuncturist and NCCAOM certified in Chinese herbs since 2005.
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Laura Rose offers safe, effective pain relief,ease from anxiety, depression, stress, and infertility at A Lotus Path Acupuncture,Yoga and Coaching Services Silver Spring MD.