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Acupuncturist with over 20 years experience. Offering scalp Acupuncture, facial enhancement Acupuncture, Chinese medicine blood letting , cupping . General health advice.
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We’re a natural wellness clinic with a focus on providing quality personalized care for all of our patients. Our services include Acupuncture, Hypnotherapy, Massage, Chinese Medicine, Functional Nutrition, Injection Therapy, and more!
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Roisin has over 30 years of experience in practicing acupuncture since graduating from the International College of Oriental Medicine, Sussex, England in 1986. She has delivered post-graduate courses on classical acupuncture and is frequently seen delivering talks and seminars around the globe.
Roisin is a member of the British Acupuncture Council and a member of the Royal Society of Medicine. She practices in Harley Street, Central London and on Evandale Road, South London. In addition to her acupuncture practice, Roisin also consults as part of an international team of experts on acupuncture for the World Health Organisation (WHO).
Roisin is a Master NLP practitioner and can use acupuncture and NLP separately or in harmony, providing a gentle, integrated mind-body solution to health care.
Roisin is a member of the British Acupuncture Council and a member of the Royal Society of Medicine. She practices in Harley Street, Central London and on Evandale Road, South London. In addition to her acupuncture practice, Roisin also consults as part of an international team of experts on acupuncture for the World Health Organisation (WHO).
Roisin is a Master NLP practitioner and can use acupuncture and NLP separately or in harmony, providing a gentle, integrated mind-body solution to health care.
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Post graduate education in Orthopedics and Rehabilitation. Please visit our website for details.
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Experienced Doctor with a demonstrated history of working in the health wellness industry. Skilled in Acupuncture, Fertility, Naturopathic Medicine, Auricular Acupuncture, Holistic Health, Herbal Medicine, and Prevention. Strong healthcare services professional with a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine and Masters in Acupuncture from Bastyr University, Seattle, WA.
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We are a welcoming and warming acupuncture clinic located in the heart of Toronto. We are focused on promoting health, healing and helping our patients. Our clinic is a relaxing space and we have the goal to provide the best care for your patients.
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We blend traditional Chinese acupuncture with a modern bodywork approach to provide extraordinarily effective relief from pain, headaches and migraines, stress, depression and anxiety, insomnia, digestive complaints and more.
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Audacious Health (Catherine Jenkins and Andrew Hoge) provide classical acupuncture treatments. Both Andrew and Catherine have a special interest in ear acupuncture and scalp acupuncture.
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Chinese medicine and acupuncture NYC
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Acupuncturist Mark Moshchinsky is the founder of Tree of Life Acupuncture clinic in New York City uses few needles of highly effective Master Tung Family System successfully healing many medical conditions for 22 years.