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Helen Castro earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology from the University of Colorado at Denver in 1992. She earned a Masters of Science degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine from the Colorado School of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2007. This 3 1/2 year program consisted of 2,800 hours of education and clinical practice. Helen also completed an additional 3 year apprenticeship program in Five Element Acupuncture. Further, Helen completed internships in Neurology, Tuina, and Dermatology at Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine in Harbin, China. Last, she is certified by the National Commission for the Certification of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, (NCCAOM) and licensed in the State of Colorado
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Christine Kaiser is a registered Oriental Medicine practitioner in Ohio state practicing both acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. She has a special interest in treating pain conditions, stress, digestive problems, and women's health issues including menstrual disorders, infertility, menopause, and problems in pregnancy.
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Utilizing a variety of integrative services including:
acupuncture, essential oils, herbal medicine, acupressure, traditional dietary advice, meditation techniques and energy exercise Dr Vickery tailors each treatment to meet your needs and help you attain your wellness goals
acupuncture, essential oils, herbal medicine, acupressure, traditional dietary advice, meditation techniques and energy exercise Dr Vickery tailors each treatment to meet your needs and help you attain your wellness goals
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We offer private and community acupuncture, functional and integrative medicine, nutrition and massage
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Acupuncture, cupping and herbs for sports injuries, pain management, PMS, digestive issues, migraines and more.
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I run a general health clinic with a focus towards Women's health, fertility ( men and women's ), skin and muscular complaints.
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Vivianne Hipol Gantous DACM, RN, is an Integrative Eastern Medicine Practitioner who believes an individualized approach for each patient is the root to healing the whole person. Her practice is a mosaic of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Bio-Energetics, Functional Medicine, and Western allopathic training. Choosing from the best of each of these modalities, a unique plan of care is created for every patient.
Her motivation to practice has always been a love of humans and healing herself from debilitating post-partum depletion after the birth of two out of her three children. She enjoys treating all members of the family unit especially women’s health as a mother’s vitality is the first mirror for her children. She also enjoys finding alternatives for “hard to treat” internal medicine cases.
Coming from a family of physicians, Vivianne sees firsthand the immense contributions of Western medicine and the treasures Eastern and Western Medicine together can best benefit not only a patient’s current condition but a lifetime of health.
For over 18 years, Vivianne is a licensed Acupuncturist, Herbalist and Nutritionist in California and Virginia, a Registered Nurse, a wife, and mother of three. This year she is launching a post-partum program and specific services for new parents as they navigate an understanding of their new body and evolution of their expanded identity.
Today she sees patients in person and via telemedicine at her office, Boundless Well-Being, located in Virginia Beach. When she’s not with her family or seeing patients, she’s on a trek with notebook and pen or abroad with her husband.
Her motivation to practice has always been a love of humans and healing herself from debilitating post-partum depletion after the birth of two out of her three children. She enjoys treating all members of the family unit especially women’s health as a mother’s vitality is the first mirror for her children. She also enjoys finding alternatives for “hard to treat” internal medicine cases.
Coming from a family of physicians, Vivianne sees firsthand the immense contributions of Western medicine and the treasures Eastern and Western Medicine together can best benefit not only a patient’s current condition but a lifetime of health.
For over 18 years, Vivianne is a licensed Acupuncturist, Herbalist and Nutritionist in California and Virginia, a Registered Nurse, a wife, and mother of three. This year she is launching a post-partum program and specific services for new parents as they navigate an understanding of their new body and evolution of their expanded identity.
Today she sees patients in person and via telemedicine at her office, Boundless Well-Being, located in Virginia Beach. When she’s not with her family or seeing patients, she’s on a trek with notebook and pen or abroad with her husband.
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Voted Best of Summit County for Acupuncture.
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Comfort & Joy Oriental Medicine is a general practice with a special interest in supporting successful fertility and healthy pregnancy.
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Master of Science in Oriental Medicine, licensed and certified in Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine. Specialties include pain management, sports medicine, stress + insomnia, digestive problems, women's health