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Highly effective treatment in Sheffield for all kinds of chronic health problems including pain, fertility and repeat miscarriages. Treat the cause of your health problems and not just the symptoms. Suppression of symptoms with drugs is not a cure. Treatment for pain can often be instant. Special distal acupuncture techniques using Dr Tan's Balance method and Master Tung points. Also, provides botantical treatments to strengthen the immune system.
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We are passionate about your health care and offer a holistic approach that integrates acupuncture, herbal medicine and lifestyle support to help your body use its intrinsic ability to self-heal. Acupuncture is a natural approach to your general well being, as well as a great adjunct therapy to conventional western medicine for a multitude of diseases and discomforts. We treat the body as a whole to provide the most complete health care possible. We want you to achieve your health goals and be able to enjoy your life to its fullest!Prairie Spring Acupuncture Clinic gives back to the community by offering a FREE CLINIC treating Anxiety and PTSD, partnered with Healthy Living Counseling Center.
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One of New York City's premiere acupuncture clinics offering classical Master Tung's acupuncture and traditional Chinese herbal medicine. Steven specializes in TCM Gynecology, Sports Acupuncture and Cancer Care.
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Our Acupuncture clinic serves the Niagara region. We help with pain and stress relief; reproductive and digestive health at all stages of life including: menstrual health, fertility, pregnancy, post partum, perimenopause and beyond. We also offer non-invasive natural skin care and facial rejuvenation with acupuncture, manual lymphatic drainage techniques and Qi beauty gold magnet therapy.
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Jade Springs provides a compassionate and holistic approach to health and wellness. One of the advantages of Acupuncture is its ability to focus on both the symptoms and the root of the problem. The individualized approach ensures that your health concerns are prioritized and addressed in a way that works best for you. Your continued health and optimal wellness are the main focus of every treatment. Enjoy the benefits of a natural, holistic and realxing medicine.
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South Portland, Maine I focus on treating pain, both physical and emotional. My practice combines acupuncture (traditional Chinese and orthopedic techniques) and Naturopathic medicine. You will receive treatment that is specifically tailored to you. This will include acupuncture, western herbs, and nutritional supplements. This medicine works with the body's natural healing abilities to strengthen your system and treat the root cause of your condition (so your symptoms go away and stay away.) Patients see relief from addiction, pain, anxiety, insomnia and more! I provide a safe, judgement free space, and all are welcome. My goal is to help you feel your best so you can live your life. Call or email for a consultation. Acupuncture and Western herbal medicine. A unique blend of East and West: I combine my background in research and modern healthcare with teachings of Naturopathic and Chinese traditional medicine to provide the most effective and comprehensive care.
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D'vorah Levy is a licensed Acupuncturist in Seattle, WA. She graduated from NIAOM in 1992. She received her Masters in Acupuncture and an Herbal Certification in 1996. D'vorah has developed an approach that individualizes the treatment for each patient. Treatments incorporate acupuncture, herbs, dietary advice, yoga, Reiki, Acutonics and Matrix Energetics. D'vorah's specialties include:Women's health issues,pain management and facial rejuvenation. D'vorah is a preferred provider with many insurance carriers.
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“I feel so privileged to be in the position, for the rest of my life, to help others. The best part of my job is being able to help people truly heal. Most people, to some degree, are in some level of pain, whether it be physical, mental, or emotional. My goal as a provider is not only to treat symptoms, but more importantly to treat the root causes of those symptoms to help people truly be well and live vibrantly. That’s what wellness is, and that’s what I love to help others achieve.”
When Melinda is not treating patients, you will most likely find her in the ocean with her family on the Seacoast of NH. Melinda is an avid surfer (yes, even during the New England winters!), certified yoga teacher, and lifelong athlete. She possesses an innate appreciation of the importance of developing and maintaining a strong and healthy body and mind.
As a licensed Acupuncturist, Melinda blends the best of both eastern and western medicine. In addition to her education and clinical experience, Melinda spent over a decade training doctors in medical devices and robotic surgical technology. As a result, she has an excellent foundation and appreciation for western medicine, while recognizing the importance of comprehensive, integrative care for patients. Compelled by helping others, she made the decision to leave her career and become a healthcare provider herself. Melinda chose the field of Acupuncture because it gives her the unique opportunity to provide personalized, holistic, patient-centered care.
Melinda Ferreira is a nationally board-certified Diplomate of Acupuncture, and is licensed to practice in the state of NH. She graduated Summa Cum Laude with a Masters Degree in Acupuncture from the New England School of Acupuncture at MCPHS University. During her 3 years of training, she completed clinical internships at Massachusetts General Hospital, the US Department of Veterans Affairs, Cambridge Health Alliance, MCPHS University, and Element Care Senior Clinic. She is currently completing her Doctorate in Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine.
When Melinda is not treating patients, you will most likely find her in the ocean with her family on the Seacoast of NH. Melinda is an avid surfer (yes, even during the New England winters!), certified yoga teacher, and lifelong athlete. She possesses an innate appreciation of the importance of developing and maintaining a strong and healthy body and mind.
As a licensed Acupuncturist, Melinda blends the best of both eastern and western medicine. In addition to her education and clinical experience, Melinda spent over a decade training doctors in medical devices and robotic surgical technology. As a result, she has an excellent foundation and appreciation for western medicine, while recognizing the importance of comprehensive, integrative care for patients. Compelled by helping others, she made the decision to leave her career and become a healthcare provider herself. Melinda chose the field of Acupuncture because it gives her the unique opportunity to provide personalized, holistic, patient-centered care.
Melinda Ferreira is a nationally board-certified Diplomate of Acupuncture, and is licensed to practice in the state of NH. She graduated Summa Cum Laude with a Masters Degree in Acupuncture from the New England School of Acupuncture at MCPHS University. During her 3 years of training, she completed clinical internships at Massachusetts General Hospital, the US Department of Veterans Affairs, Cambridge Health Alliance, MCPHS University, and Element Care Senior Clinic. She is currently completing her Doctorate in Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine.