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Christy Ouk is a National Board Certified Licensed Acupuncturist and Herbalist. She graduated from Seattle Institute of Oriental Medicine with a Master's degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Christy received extensive clinical training in Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, Tui Na (Chinese medical massage), Cupping, Gua Sha (dermal friction therapy), Moxibustion, and Auriculotherapy. She uses a variety of styles including Traditional Chinese and Japanese Meridian therapy in which she tailors to the needs of each of her patients. She also incorporates nutritional therapy and Qi Gong exercises (movement therapy) in her treatments. Christy treats a wide range of conditions including stress, fatigue, insomnia, acute & chronic pain, women's health, men's health, fertility, depression, anxiety and digestive complaints.
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I work closely with a Physical Therapy practice so I have experience doing post surgical, post injury and post stroke rehabilitation work as well as pain management. I also have my own patients where I typically treat for stress and anxiety, digestive issues, pain management and women's health. I have worked with numerous school age children and a few younger children as well.
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Helps with many conditions including but not limited to:
Neurological, Respiratory, Digestion, Urinary, Menstrual, and Reproductive.
Neurological, Respiratory, Digestion, Urinary, Menstrual, and Reproductive.
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Rhonda Coleman is a Licensed Acupuncturist in the state of Colorado. She is a board certified Oriental Medicine Practitioner by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.
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A wholistic wellness center providing all your healthcare needs under one roof!
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Awesome acupuncture clinic in Charlotte!
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White Tree Holistic provides counselling, coaching and healing. We believe that good health results from balancing the Body with the Mind and the Soul.
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Abby earned her Master of Science in Oriental Medicine from Southwest Acupuncture College, Boulder, CO in 2013. She also studied at Heilongjiang hospital in China, where she learned valuable techniques on treating modern illnesses. She is passionate about helping others feel alive, radiant, healthy and balanced while they make their powerful mark on the earth. Abby enjoys working with all types of ailments, her specialties are women's health, pain and pediatrics.
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Specializing in non-needle micro-current acupuncture, trigger point injection therapy. I love acupuncture and the amazing benefits it has to offer