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Red Raven Acupuncture is a comprehensive Chinese Medicine clinic offering acupuncture treatments, herbal medicine, moxibustion, and cupping. Our treatment approach is minimalist in that we try to limit the number of needles required to see improvement. This allows us to focus the treatment more directly on the immediate concern, usually leading to faster and more long-term results.
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Pain, fertility, mental health, chronic illness, cupping, electro acupuncture, acupuncture detox, Chinese and Japanese styles
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We provide high-quality acupuncture at an affordable price, by offering individualized treatments in a quiet community setting. You choose what you can afford to pay on a sliding scale from $20 - $40.
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Marcia Nogueira, M.S., L.Ac. has been practicing acupuncture since 2004 and has been in her Thousand Oaks location for the past 7 years. She is a graduate of Samra University of Oriental Medicine where she received her Master's degree in Oriental Medicine. She completed her undergraduate education at UCLA where she earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychobiology. She is a California board licensed acupuncturist and currently practices both Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine. She has traveled to China to further her studies of Eastern Medicine and completed an internship at the International Acupuncture Training Center in Beijing.
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We work as a team of Licensed Acupuncturists and Licensed Massage Therapists, offering Acupuncture, Allergy Elimination, Custom Chinese Herbs and Massage. We accept and bill all insurances with Acupuncture coverage. We also offer a sliding fee scale based on income as well as low cost Acupuncture treatments, focused on stress. Please call us for your free 15 minute consultation to learn more! We also have an office at 1712 E 12th Street, The Dalles, OR 97058 541-298-2378
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Transformational Acupuncture helps people achieve emotional peace and physical well-being that is sustainable over the long-term, through natural healing methods and building supportive community.
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Victor Cheng, L. Ac. is a California Board Certified Licensed Acupuncturist and Herbalist. He graduated from Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine(上海中醫藥大學). In his six years in Shanghai, he studied four years in classes and labs covering both Western and Traditional Chinese Medicine. He spent the last two years at Shuguang Hospital(曙光醫院), the first TCM hospital in China and one of the three Level III TCM hospitals, rotating through various specialties. In Shanghai, he took and passed the National Medical Exam in Traditional Chinese Medicine and is also licensed in China.
Victor was born in the US but spent part of his childhood in Taiwan, therefore he is fluent in both Mandarin Chinese and English. He developed an interest in Chinese Medicine early age seeing his grandmother curing family members with simple home remedies. He went on to study at UC Berkeley and received a Bachelor degree. After college, he began studying Buddhism and volunteered a year teaching Chinese at Developing Virtue Secondary School in the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas. Afterwards, he interned one year at the UCLA Center for East-West Medicine. In Shanghai, he studied under many renown TCM professors. He is interested in Internal Medicine with an emphasis on healthy diet and exercises.
Victor was born in the US but spent part of his childhood in Taiwan, therefore he is fluent in both Mandarin Chinese and English. He developed an interest in Chinese Medicine early age seeing his grandmother curing family members with simple home remedies. He went on to study at UC Berkeley and received a Bachelor degree. After college, he began studying Buddhism and volunteered a year teaching Chinese at Developing Virtue Secondary School in the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas. Afterwards, he interned one year at the UCLA Center for East-West Medicine. In Shanghai, he studied under many renown TCM professors. He is interested in Internal Medicine with an emphasis on healthy diet and exercises.
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Past master Acupuncturist who currently coaches and consults with wellness providers, helping people like you find profits, relationships, and impact.
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Effective Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine with a gentle touch--at the Ruah Center
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Apple A Day Clinic in Arlington Heights, IL has been helping people naturally for over 16 years! Check out our award winning clinic at www.apple-a-day-clinic.com