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Diane Jones, Licensed Acupuncturist, is a 1993 graduate of NESA. She has over 22 years of experience using Traditional Chinese Medicine, Japanese Acupuncture, and Tung style acupuncture to treat low back pain, joint pain, acute and chronic injuries, headaches sinus infections, digestive disorders, gynecological problems and emotional and stress-related conditions. Diane also treats and helps manage complex immune diseases such as Lyme disease and multiple sclerosis. Kenyon Keily, herbalist, has over 40 years experience in Chinese, Tibetan, and Ayurvedic herbal medicine. He treats all ages for everything from simple ailments to complex, chronic conditions. Kenyon uses herbal medicine to treat emotional or stress-related problems, female and male health and fertility, urinary problems, cardiovascular problems, and digestive issues. He also uses herbs for colds, flus, allergies, sinus congestion, immune weakness, and skin problems. Kenyon specializes in herbal treatments for Lyme disease. Together with Diane Jones, Kenyon helps run a Lyme support group at the office on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month.
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POM (Piece of Mind Wellness Center) is a multi faceted wellness center promoting patient awareness on health and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Our wellness team includes Acupuncture Physicians, a Naturopath Doctor, massage therapists, certified hypnotist and NLP practitioner.
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Heather Wheeler has a Masters of Science in Acupuncture. She has been practicing several years and treats conditions such as pain, headaches, labor induction, breech position, PMS symptoms, sleep issues and everything in between. We also offer chiropractic and nutrition counseling in the same location. Heather is currently furthering her education in functional medicine and nutrition.
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TCM Wellness Project helps patients to understand what they can do to slow the process of aging and be healthy.
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Xilin F. Jordan is a practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine, holding an NCCAOM diploma, and licensed in three states. She was born and primarily trained in China, and completed four years of further study in Oriental medicine at the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in New York, where she earned her American degrees and expanded her knowledge of Western medicine as well. In addition, Dr. Jordan absolved a personal apprenticeship with the noted acupuncturist Dr. Zhang Zheng Hai in China, where she continues periodically to work in teams with other doctors at hospitals in Zhu Hai, Shijiazhuang and Nantong, treating conditions such as post-stroke syndromes, Bell’s palsy, muscular disorders, head, back, neck, shoulder and wrist pain, and various chronic diseases. In her private practice, Dr. Jordan has also emphasized women’s problems, including issues of fertility.
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Dr. Kait Chang is a menopause specialist in Calgary, AB and helps menopause women rebalance their hormones naturally so that they can get back to feeling like themselves again.
Dr. Kait uses a non-hormone therapy-based approach to menopausal management and offers Individualized healthcare that considers a thorough examination of a woman's health starting from her childhood, to child-bearing years, to peri/post-menopause, targeting biological, psychological, and social aspects of a her health.
Dr. Kait uses a non-hormone therapy-based approach to menopausal management and offers Individualized healthcare that considers a thorough examination of a woman's health starting from her childhood, to child-bearing years, to peri/post-menopause, targeting biological, psychological, and social aspects of a her health.
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Acupuncture, Cranial Sacral Therapy, Mei Zen Face-Neck-Abdominal Lifts, Stress Relief
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New York PAPA Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine
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Great Nature Oriental Medicine, LLC is a healthcare clinic providing safe and effective remedial services for a wide range of medical conditions. As a client of Great Nature Oriental Medicine, LLC you will receive personalized care that is unique to your mental, emotional, and physical makeup that results in long-lasting relief without the use of drugs.
Founder and director of Great Nature Oriental Medicine, LLC, Clint Cain, is an experienced and caring practitioner who uses his extensive knowledge of traditional acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, and Oriental medical bodywork to help you live a healthy, happy, pain-free, and harmonious life.
Founder and director of Great Nature Oriental Medicine, LLC, Clint Cain, is an experienced and caring practitioner who uses his extensive knowledge of traditional acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, and Oriental medical bodywork to help you live a healthy, happy, pain-free, and harmonious life.
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We do Shiatsu Japanese Massage Therapy and distal style Acupuncture (mostly arms and legs.)