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Practice Name:
Roisin has over 30 years of experience in practicing acupuncture since graduating from the International College of Oriental Medicine, Sussex, England in 1986. She has delivered post-graduate courses on classical acupuncture and is frequently seen delivering talks and seminars around the globe.
Roisin is a member of the British Acupuncture Council and a member of the Royal Society of Medicine. She practices in Harley Street, Central London and on Evandale Road, South London. In addition to her acupuncture practice, Roisin also consults as part of an international team of experts on acupuncture for the World Health Organisation (WHO).
Roisin is a Master NLP practitioner and can use acupuncture and NLP separately or in harmony, providing a gentle, integrated mind-body solution to health care.
Roisin is a member of the British Acupuncture Council and a member of the Royal Society of Medicine. She practices in Harley Street, Central London and on Evandale Road, South London. In addition to her acupuncture practice, Roisin also consults as part of an international team of experts on acupuncture for the World Health Organisation (WHO).
Roisin is a Master NLP practitioner and can use acupuncture and NLP separately or in harmony, providing a gentle, integrated mind-body solution to health care.
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Melody J Clancy, A.P. specializes in working with Veteran’s, PTSD, and is trained in CISM. With specialized training in Pain, Addiction, Pediatrics, Internal Medicine, and also Facial Rejuvenation. She has worked with Active Duty military personnel and sports teams.
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Partners In Healing is an Integrated Holistic Health Clinic located in South Florida. Owned an operated by Retired Firefighter Rosanne Calabrese, AP. Partners In Healing offers Acupuncture, Cellular Detoxification, Nutrition, CranioSacral, Medical Qi Gong, Reflexology, Fertility Counseling, Chiropractic, Sound and Light Therapy, Laser Therapy and much more.
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Jacqueline is a Licensed Acupuncturist in the state of Pennsylvania, and is also currently studying Oriental Medicine. She has treated a wide variety of conditions, including back pain, insomnia, infertility, PTSD, depression, anxiety, eczema, asthma, trigeminal neuralgia, coughing, cold and much more. Passionate about her discipline, Jacqueline describes acupuncture as "a vital source of healthcare where medicine and science meet art and spirit."
Schedule your acupuncture appointment today and bring Harmony and vitality back to your body and mind.
Schedule your acupuncture appointment today and bring Harmony and vitality back to your body and mind.
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Tamara Norris holds a Masters of Science in Oriental Medicine and is an NCCAOM Diplomat.
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Pain management and Wellness Center
Acupuncture is a wonderful addition to any health routine. Do you go to the gym? Are you trying to eat healthy? You should consider acupuncture a safe and non-invasive way to help maintain your body at its peak performance. This is true, whether you are unwell or merely looking to maintain good health.
Trying acupuncture is not only easy and fun, it is a great way to take your health into your own hands. Free consultation available to all new patients.
Trying acupuncture is not only easy and fun, it is a great way to take your health into your own hands. Free consultation available to all new patients.
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Our chiropractor in Complete Wellness clinic specializes in non-invasive, and rehabilitative medicine that are designed to help your body get better and stay better without the use of harsh chemicals or surgeries. We are serving patients from Midtown to Upper Manhattan.
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I'm a mother, a wife and a daughter, a student and lover if of live. I love what I do and will be sure to share my passion for health and wellness with you.
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TCM & Five Element Traditional Acupuncturist
Full member of the British Acupuncture Council
Licensed to practice by Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead
Full member of the British Acupuncture Council
Licensed to practice by Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead