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Our chiropractor in Complete Wellness clinic specializes in non-invasive, and rehabilitative medicine that are designed to help your body get better and stay better without the use of harsh chemicals or surgeries. We are serving patients from Midtown to Upper Manhattan.
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Boston Chinese Acupuncture was founded by Li Zheng and Changhong Zhou, PhD, licensed acupuncturists and herbalists. Trained in China at the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine under world-renowned practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), they have over 60 years of combined experience using acupuncture and Chinese herbs to treat a variety of difficult and chronic diseases. Our office in Needham is conveniently located near the commuter rail and I-95 and is easily accessible from Boston and its surrounding suburbs, including Wellesley, Dedham, Framingham, Lexington, and Newton.
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Total Wellness Acupuncture is an acupuncture clinic in North Mountain, Phoenix, AZ. We specialize in alternative medicine and traditional Chinese medicine like gua sha, cupping and moxibustion.
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Jacksonville Acupuncture Clinic provide personal and gentle Acupuncture in the Jacksonville Fl area. Our practice focuses on treating each patient with an individualized treatment plan according to their specific health needs. We offer free initial consultations in order to devise an appropriate treatment plan for each patient.
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Acupuncture @ Natural Fertility Clinic
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Dr. Christy Cline has a strong background in both Eastern and Western approaches to medicine. Her training in Eastern medicine started while living in Asia where she studied Tibetan Medicine during her last year of undergraduate studies at the University of Wisconsin- Madison. Dr. Cline's trip to Asia solidified her belief in bringing different aspects of medicine together. Her strong belief in natural medicine drew her to Bastyr University, one of the world’s top schools for integrative medicine. Here she earned a Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine and a Masters in Acupuncture.
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Awesome acupuncture clinic in Charlotte!
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Infertility and weight loss program specialty .
Acupuncture, Homeopath and Natural healing treatments.
Acupuncture, Homeopath and Natural healing treatments.
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Dr. Wentz Randaci specializes in Endocrine diseases such as Hypothyroidism, Diabetes, Adrenal disorders as well as Ophthalmology problems such as Degenerative Vision Loss and Macular Degeneration