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Dr. Attilo D'Alberto has 14 years of experience in Chinese medicine & acupuncture therapy. He has two clinic in Twickenham & Wokingham respectively.
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Harmonize. Strengthen. Restore. These words reflect our intention as traditional Chinese medicine practitioners. Intuitive Healing Acupuncture emphasizes the awakening and centering of all levels of total wellbeing. By aligning the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of oneself, we can not only address disease or physical imbalance directly, but we can also prevent it.
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The Best Acupuncture Clinic in Milpitas.
We treat our patient as family members.
We treat any type of pain, joint problems, infertility, anxiety, face paralysis, skin problems, weight issues, ED etc.
We treat our patient as family members.
We treat any type of pain, joint problems, infertility, anxiety, face paralysis, skin problems, weight issues, ED etc.
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Dr. Dale Roach is a Licensed Acupuncturist and Oriental Medical Physician in New York. Dr. Roach received his medical education from the Unversidad Madre Y Maestra medical college in the Domincan Republic. He also holds a Masters in Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture from the New York College of Health Professions.
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Acupuncture, herbs , and nutrition with an emphasis on Dr Tan's style.
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Voted Best Doctor 2015 in the Osceola Reader's Choice Awards and also ranked #2 acupuncture clinic in the greater Orlando area 2015. Call today to find out why we were voted Best Doctor! We offer the widest variety of holistic therapies in Central Florida and take all major insurance plans.
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Acupuncture is a highly effective health care system and the oldest continually practiced form of medicine in the world. This gentle, non-invasive medicine practiced at Pure Elements Healing has helped millions to get well on physical, emotional and spiritual levels.
Kerry Kott is a Licensed Acupuncture Primary Care Physician and a graduate of Dragon Rises College of Oriental Medicine. She is also a licensed practitioner of Chinese Medicine, Herbal Medicine, an Advanced Food Healing Level II Instructor, certified in Pranic Psychotherapy healing and a doTERRA wellness advocate.
Kott believes that all aspects—mind, body and spirit—need to be observed and treated for complete wellness. She incorporates into her treatment protocols Pranic Healing®, a highly evolved and tested system that utilizes energy to balance, harmonize and transform the body’s energy processes by clearing the body’s aura and chakras.
Kott also considers it imperative to address digestive health as it is the root of all wellness. She specializes in returning the body to balance by healing digestion through the use of acupuncture, Pranic Healing®, food healing, herbal medicine and essential oils.
Kerry Kott is a Licensed Acupuncture Primary Care Physician and a graduate of Dragon Rises College of Oriental Medicine. She is also a licensed practitioner of Chinese Medicine, Herbal Medicine, an Advanced Food Healing Level II Instructor, certified in Pranic Psychotherapy healing and a doTERRA wellness advocate.
Kott believes that all aspects—mind, body and spirit—need to be observed and treated for complete wellness. She incorporates into her treatment protocols Pranic Healing®, a highly evolved and tested system that utilizes energy to balance, harmonize and transform the body’s energy processes by clearing the body’s aura and chakras.
Kott also considers it imperative to address digestive health as it is the root of all wellness. She specializes in returning the body to balance by healing digestion through the use of acupuncture, Pranic Healing®, food healing, herbal medicine and essential oils.
Practice Name:
Are you ready to feel amazing, have more energy, release your stress, and be pain free?
Do you want to transform your life? If you've been bothered with pain or disease and are finally ready to get real lasting relief, you've come to the right place.
My mission is to provide you with quality compassionate health care suited to your individual needs. I take the time to listen to all your concerns because I truly care about you!
If you're ready to change your life and feel your best, I can help you reach those goals!
By providing a relaxing and peaceful environment in which to address your health concerns, together we can form a partnership that supports your healing.
As a holistic health care practitioner, acupuncturist, and Chinese herbalist, I treat the root of your problem as well as the symptoms to make lasting change in your health. Please contact me for a free consultation to find out if my services are right for you. I look forward to hearing from you!
Do you want to transform your life? If you've been bothered with pain or disease and are finally ready to get real lasting relief, you've come to the right place.
My mission is to provide you with quality compassionate health care suited to your individual needs. I take the time to listen to all your concerns because I truly care about you!
If you're ready to change your life and feel your best, I can help you reach those goals!
By providing a relaxing and peaceful environment in which to address your health concerns, together we can form a partnership that supports your healing.
As a holistic health care practitioner, acupuncturist, and Chinese herbalist, I treat the root of your problem as well as the symptoms to make lasting change in your health. Please contact me for a free consultation to find out if my services are right for you. I look forward to hearing from you!
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Licensed Acupuncturist and Herbalist specializing in General Health, Sports Medicine. Graduate of Pacific College of Oriental Medicine San Diego 2008.
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I have three main focuses of my practice; Making Babies, Women’s Health and Pain Management.