All Ways Well, LLC

All Ways Well, LLC
Rebecca Hurwood
Street Address:
1525 SW Park Ave., Suite 103
Zip Code/Postal Code:
503-445-8888 x1
All Ways Well is an Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine practice in Portland, Oregon belonging to Rebecca Hurwood, LAc, MAcOM. Rebecca Hurwood is a licensed acupuncturist dedicated to helping you achieve your health and wellness goals by using a combination of acupuncture, foot reflexology, lifestyle, nutritional and dietary recommendations and Chinese herbology.

My journey to becoming a Chinese Medicine provider started when I was 9 years old. My mother was (mis)diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and when western medicine provided no answer or relief, she turned to Chinese medicine and found help. My house growing up always had the faint tang of a Chinese herb shop thanks to the bulk remedies my mom drank every day. Chinese Medicine provided great relief for her and I accepted it as a normal part of taking care of yourself.

Fast forward 11 years to my Junior year of college. I was preparing to spend a year abroad in China studying language and culture but had horrible digestive pain that I’d experienced daily for 7 years. My western doctor said I had IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and offered no intervention. I was terrified to go to China and turned to my mother’s Acupuncturist for help. Three months of herbs and acupuncture later, my digestive pain and IBS were completely resolved. I spent a year in China and had no digestive complaints whatsoever.

My experience has given me a special understanding of digestive problems, weight issues and the mental, emotional and physical challenges they present. My background in Martial Arts and dance has also given me special insight into musculoskeletal complaints making digestive disorders and pain syndromes two of my top specialties.

  • All Ways Well, LLC
  • All Ways Well, LLC