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Balance Point Acupuncture and integrative medicine in Kelowna BC is focused on healing the body naturally using herbal chinese medicine and acupuncture in a way that aligns your body so it can heal itself. We have had great success treating Infertility, Cancer and Autoimmune Diseases and pain.
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Voted Best of Summit County for Acupuncture.
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Milwaukie Acupuncture is the Chinese medicine practice of Eliot Sitt, L.Ac.
Eliot is highly trained in treating pain and other health conditions with a combination of acupuncture, Chinese-style massage, and herbal medicine.
He is a part-time faculty member at the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine and also teaches tai chi classes in the Portland area.
Eliot is highly trained in treating pain and other health conditions with a combination of acupuncture, Chinese-style massage, and herbal medicine.
He is a part-time faculty member at the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine and also teaches tai chi classes in the Portland area.
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Community Acupuncture providing quality and affordable acupuncture treatment
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Karta also known as Ibolya E. Laar, completed The Master of Science in Acupuncture (MS-Ac) program at New York’s Pacific College of Oriental Medicine (PCOM), the biggest acupuncture college in the USA. In this program where East meets West, Karta studied the clinical practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in our modern world. She is well trained in the practical application of cupping, gua sha (a scraping technique), moxibustion (heat therapy), the use of electric stimulation (e-stim) and the Chinese body work Tui Na. In addition, Karta is a recent graduate of massage therapy from PCOM as well. Upon completion of this hands-on program she refined her sensitivity to the muscles and joints of the human body enhancing her therapeutic touch.
In her private acupuncture practice Karta teaches her patients pain management and successfully treats shoulder pain, back pain, knee pain, sprains or strains and post-surgery pain including joint replacements. She also treats any type of emotional disturbances such as, anxiety, nervous disorders or the inability to sleep. She promotes and supports fruitful fertility, alleviates painful menstruation, and eliminates PMS symptoms like irritability, anger, cramps, headaches or bloating. In addition she balances the digestive system by relieving constipation, acid reflux, bloating, nausea or gas, and has great results in the management and prevention of allergic reactions such as runny nose, burning eyes, itching, sneezing and/or skin rashes such eczema or acne. Her specialty is assessing and successfully implementing lasting lifestyle modifications that will suite your specific needs.
Last but not least, Karta through the practice of Kundalini Yoga for the past 15 years has been able to consolidate inner virtues such as patience, personal integrity, self-esteem, and compassion for the soul purpose of promoting a healthy happy life. The practice of this self-cultivating discipline is the distinguishing factor of her healing arts. After a good days work she enjoys long conversations with her daughter, who is currently a student in Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, about the mysticism of Chinese Medicine and spirituality.
In her private acupuncture practice Karta teaches her patients pain management and successfully treats shoulder pain, back pain, knee pain, sprains or strains and post-surgery pain including joint replacements. She also treats any type of emotional disturbances such as, anxiety, nervous disorders or the inability to sleep. She promotes and supports fruitful fertility, alleviates painful menstruation, and eliminates PMS symptoms like irritability, anger, cramps, headaches or bloating. In addition she balances the digestive system by relieving constipation, acid reflux, bloating, nausea or gas, and has great results in the management and prevention of allergic reactions such as runny nose, burning eyes, itching, sneezing and/or skin rashes such eczema or acne. Her specialty is assessing and successfully implementing lasting lifestyle modifications that will suite your specific needs.
Last but not least, Karta through the practice of Kundalini Yoga for the past 15 years has been able to consolidate inner virtues such as patience, personal integrity, self-esteem, and compassion for the soul purpose of promoting a healthy happy life. The practice of this self-cultivating discipline is the distinguishing factor of her healing arts. After a good days work she enjoys long conversations with her daughter, who is currently a student in Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, about the mysticism of Chinese Medicine and spirituality.
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Offering Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, and Metatronia Therapy to the Crystal Coast and surrounding areas.
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Our practitioners use an integrative approach to your health. We utilize acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, cupping, gua sha, qigong, tui na massage, and Chinese herbs. Treatments also may include a nutrition and diet consultation along with recommendations for lifestyle changes and improvements. After an initial consultation and intake with you, we will customize the number and type of treatments for your unique situation.
"We help people experience positive health changes"
We successfully treat pain, infertility, nerve pain, neck pain, Low back pain, knee pain, shoulder pain, headaches, migraine, allergies, chronic pain, acute pain, TMJ, Hypertention and much more.
"We help people experience positive health changes"
We successfully treat pain, infertility, nerve pain, neck pain, Low back pain, knee pain, shoulder pain, headaches, migraine, allergies, chronic pain, acute pain, TMJ, Hypertention and much more.
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Our goal is to alleviate physical and emotional suffering, to transform individuals through the power of healing, and to help each individual achieve their fullest potential through good health, undefeated by pain or illness.
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Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, Facial Rejuvenation.
For chronic pain, anxiety, ADD/ADHD, preventative.
For chronic pain, anxiety, ADD/ADHD, preventative.