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Practice Name:
I am a specialist in preventive and early intervention medical strategies. I work with severely injured patients, including stroke victims, as well as with chronic and acute pain sufferers. I am committed to healthcare reform through health promotion as well as primary care treatment, by encouraging self-responsibility and providing patient education.
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POM (Piece of Mind Wellness Center) is a multi faceted wellness center promoting patient awareness on health and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Our wellness team includes Acupuncture Physicians, a Naturopath Doctor, massage therapists, certified hypnotist and NLP practitioner.
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White Tree Holistic provides counselling, coaching and healing. We believe that good health results from balancing the Body with the Mind and the Soul.
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MIA offers acupuncture and Chinese herbs for the whole community - Treatments as low as $30! Whether you want private acupuncture, community acupuncture or acupuncture in the comfort of your own home, we make that available to our clients. Cupping and moxabustion are also offered.
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Dr. Christy Cline has a strong background in both Eastern and Western approaches to medicine. Her training in Eastern medicine started while living in Asia where she studied Tibetan Medicine during her last year of undergraduate studies at the University of Wisconsin- Madison. Dr. Cline's trip to Asia solidified her belief in bringing different aspects of medicine together. Her strong belief in natural medicine drew her to Bastyr University, one of the world’s top schools for integrative medicine. Here she earned a Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine and a Masters in Acupuncture.
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Anne Barnard is fully qualified and licensed Traditional Acupuncturist. The clinic offers moxibustion, cupping, Gua Sha, Korean hand therapy, Tui Na, magnet therapy and Chinese nutritional therapy alongside traditional acupuncture treatment.
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Acupuncture licensed since 1985
Ph.D. in acupuncture 1989
Ph.D. in acupuncture 1989
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Our primary acupuncture physician holds a Masters of Science Degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine and with over 3200 hours of training in acupuncture, herbal prescriptions and Western medical assessment. We specialize in areas such as chronic and acute pain, digestive upset, headaches, infertility and adjunctive cancer & chemotherapy treatment. We offer the highest quality acupuncture treatments in a luxurious and relaxed setting. Contact us today to find out if your insurance policy includes acupuncture treatment for health concern or medical condition.
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16 Years Experience, Specializing in treating Women's Health Issues, Including Infertility, Stress, Depression,Anxiety, Migraines, regulating hormones. Acupuncture treats pain and much more related to acute and chronic diseases. Call for a Complimentary Phone Consult to find out if acupuncture is right for you.