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Acupuncture & Wellness Center of Fort Lauderdale specializes in pain management for people of all ages and all stages of life. Whether it is maternity pain, or just pain that comes with old age, we are here to rid you of discomfort and get you back to living your life to the fullest!
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Tamara Norris holds a Masters of Science in Oriental Medicine and is an NCCAOM Diplomat.
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Tongbu Wellness Center® was born through my own healing journey, that required synchronicity between several healing modalities.vMy studies in Tianjin and Beijing, China, enhanced my knowledge and enriched my passion for Chinese medicine and all that it has to offer.
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We help people live longer, healthier and stronger lives through: acupuncture, facial rejuvenation, herbs, qigong classes, nutrition, 21 Day detox/weight loss program and our health and wellbeing lecture series
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Acupuncture licensed since 1985
Ph.D. in acupuncture 1989
Ph.D. in acupuncture 1989
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I am a licensed acupuncturist, advocate of women's health, lover of plants and animals. I believe in reducing stress and increasing happiness. I love my job.
As an acupuncturist, I provide more than just acupuncture. I like to use my hands and cupping when muscles and tendons are sore or injured. If food and diet is an underlying cause, let's discuss realistic dietary changes that will help you to feel better right away. You're stressed? Anxious? Need to make a few changes in your life but not sure where to start? Let's talk about it.
As an acupuncturist, I provide more than just acupuncture. I like to use my hands and cupping when muscles and tendons are sore or injured. If food and diet is an underlying cause, let's discuss realistic dietary changes that will help you to feel better right away. You're stressed? Anxious? Need to make a few changes in your life but not sure where to start? Let's talk about it.
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