Archive | Acupuncture


Look to the Animals, Animals Don’t Lie

I love reading articles about animals receiving acupuncture. I have read articles about a lion, elephant, dog, cat, camel, penguin, and even a komodo dragon receiving acupuncture. All of these animals get acupuncture regularly, and are truly benefiting from each treatment. The lion was able to walk around without foot pain, the dogs and cats […]

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stop smoking

NADA Problem: How Acupuncture Can Help You Stop Smoking

If you grew up during the 90s, smoking was not cool. It was actually vilified by television shows. However, it did not stop people from smoking. I see tons of people in their 20s and 30s smoking. I remember college and post college, people smoking at bars, on the way to class, basically anywhere they […]

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Scientific Proof

Almost every day I’m asked, “Where is the scientific proof that acupuncture works?” Or people say, “I cannot believe in Chinese medicine because there is no scientific research to prove that it helps people.” Here’s the truth: there is scientific research on the efficacy of acupuncture, but it is not conclusive by Western scientific standards. […]

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Spring Into Better Mental Health

Spring is finally here and as the plants start to blossom so should we. We need to step outside, let the sun shine on us, and get back to being healthy. All winter long, we were stuck indoors. Now that spring has arrived we need to breathe in its beautiful smells, see the green trees […]

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Acupuncture Can Help Hot Dudes Reading… and more!

In just one month @HotDudesReading, an Instagram account that shares candid photos of—you guessed it—attractive gentlemen reading in public places (all hard copy books, too)—has over 400 thousand followers. The concept is pretty genius, because what could be more appealing? As an acupuncturist though, I feel bad for these dudes. Don’t their necks and backs […]

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The Mount Rushmore of Acupuncture

This time of year, as we’re getting our President’s Day vacations, the image of Mount Rushmore comes to mind. This American icon immortalizes some of America’s strongest presidents: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln. If I had to pick the “Mount Rushmore” of acupuncture points, I would pick Du (Governing Vessel) 16, […]

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Chinese Medicine: Living with Winter

Living in season can be beneficial to your overall health. Winter is the season of “reserve and recharge”. In Chinese medicine, winter correlates with the water element, kidneys, black, salty and is also where things flow downwards. Remember, this is a time where we need to be more aware of our body and to care […]

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