Tag Archives | licensed acupuncturist


Acupuncture & Kids: Your Questions About Safety & Treatment Answered

By Robin Green Since 1996 the rates of chronic illness have more then doubled in children!  In the United States 1 in 3 children suffers from asthma, allergies, autism or ADHD.  That’s unbelievable isn’t it?  All of these problems can be successfully treated or managed effectively with acupuncture. Parents are increasingly turning to alternative medicines […]

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Get Acupuncture and Receive our Complete Feng Shui Program Free!

Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (AOM) Day is observed on October 24 as part of an effort to increase public awareness about the benefits of acupuncture and oriental medicine. TryAcupuncture.org is ready to celebrate! Any individual who receives an acupuncture treatment during the month of October can obtain our complete Feng Shui Program for free! It’s […]

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Scared female at hospital, visiting dentist

Overcome Dental Anxiety with Acupuncture!

Don’t let dental anxiety keep you from regular cleaning and check-ups or necessary procedures. According to research, 31 percent of adults are fearful of the dentist’s chair. While sedation dentistry has seen a surge in popularity, acupuncture can be just as effective in improving patient compliance and easing anxiety. Those who face an extreme fear […]

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Beautiful afternoon in the autumnal park

Kick off Fall with Acupuncture

According to traditional Chinese medicine, seasonal changes can be a time of turmoil as an individual’s qi might be out of harmony with the frequency of the season. Fall is the perfect time to take preventative action. Ward off illness and changes in mood with acupuncture treatments this autumn and start the school year, or […]

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Portrait of a Royal Bengal tiger

Israeli Tiger Treated With Acupuncture

Acupuncture is for everyone. Even tigers. Pedang, a 14-year-old Sumatran tiger from an Israeli zoo, is plagued by chronic ear infections. After other treatments failed, Pedang has switched to acupuncture. The tiger’s acupuncturist is hoping the holistic treatment will enhance his immune system and aid in the absorption of antibiotics. While this is the first […]

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Deepen Your Yoga Practice with Acupuncture

Acupuncturists may call our life force energy Qi, while yoga practitioners refer to it as prana. Though different disciplines, the two have striking similarities and are an excellent complement to one another. Based on Eastern philosophies, yoga and acupuncture are used to create a free flow of energy. In yoga, and the related field of […]

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