Tag Archives | holistic healing


Deepen Your Yoga Practice with Acupuncture

Acupuncturists may call our life force energy Qi, while yoga practitioners refer to it as prana. Though different disciplines, the two have striking similarities and are an excellent complement to one another. Based on Eastern philosophies, yoga and acupuncture are used to create a free flow of energy. In yoga, and the related field of […]

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Acupuncture Under the Media Microscope

A headline in December read, “Amanda Seyfried passed out during acupuncture session on Les Miserables set.” The claim is actually misleading and ties into several themes we’ve addressed on this blog. Acupuncture sometimes gets a bad rap because unlicensed practitioners perform it and the public rarely receives enough information to differentiate between acupuncture and undertrained […]

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Acupuncture Offers a Host of Benefits

When it comes to deciding on a course of treatment, a Western medical doctor often asks, “Do the benefits outweigh the risks?” A licensed acupuncturist doesn’t typically need to ask this question. When performed by a qualified practitioner, acupuncture has virtually no side effects. Instead, it offers a laundry list of benefits: Acupuncture improves or […]

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