Practice Name:
Health Discovery Acupuncture specializes in chronic migraines, fertility support, and sleep disorders but treat many other conditions with our wide array of services that range from facial acupuncture, to craniosacral therapy , to Chinese herbal medicine .
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Whether you are interested in relieving pain or eliminating stress, anxiety or emotional issues, Inner Harmony Acupuncture will provide you individualized health care by focusing on treating the root cause of your disease, encouraging the body's inherent healing abilities, and seeking to restore energy and vitality.
Each healing session is tailored to the patient needs, which means that two people who suffer from the same condition will receive different treatment protocols based on their unique expression of symptoms and way they are out of balance.
You will be treated by a practitioner who is a keen listener to your body/mind/spirit and who will work to find the best treatment that best suits your condition. She will use her knowledge and intuition to provide you with support and guidance on your healing journey.
Each healing session is tailored to the patient needs, which means that two people who suffer from the same condition will receive different treatment protocols based on their unique expression of symptoms and way they are out of balance.
You will be treated by a practitioner who is a keen listener to your body/mind/spirit and who will work to find the best treatment that best suits your condition. She will use her knowledge and intuition to provide you with support and guidance on your healing journey.