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For over 11 years Dr. Derek Kirkham as specialized in a holistic and natural approach to pain relief, sports injury recovery, and integrative cancer care in the Capitol Hill area of Seattle. Dr Derek is a doctor of Acupuncture and East Asian Medicine.
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D'vorah Levy is a licensed Acupuncturist in Seattle, WA. She graduated from NIAOM in 1992. She received her Masters in Acupuncture and an Herbal Certification in 1996. D'vorah has developed an approach that individualizes the treatment for each patient. Treatments incorporate acupuncture, herbs, dietary advice, yoga, Reiki, Acutonics and Matrix Energetics. D'vorah's specialties include:Women's health issues,pain management and facial rejuvenation. D'vorah is a preferred provider with many insurance carriers.
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Licensed since 1991, Brenda Loew is an adjunct faculty member at Bastyr Center for Natural Health and she teaches Japanese acupuncture seminars at various venues throughout the U.S. and Canada. She sees patients in her private family practice in Seattle, is an authorized Toyohari Meridian Therapy Instructor, a co-founder and instructor for the Japanese Acupuncture Institute, and co-founded and volunteers at Seattle Acupuncture for Veterans Clinic [a free clinic]. Brenda is the assistant editor of Keiraku Chiryo: International Toyohari Meridian Therapy News (2005-present).