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Dr. Bennett’s past experience can dramatically benefit you. With 10+ years of experience working side by side with internal medicine MD’s and treating many difficult conditions gives you a significant advantage. In fact, many MD's are patients and regularly refer their patients to Dr. Bennett.
At Bennett Acupuncture we use effective and affordable treatments including acupuncture, herbal medicine, nutrition and functional medicine to provide relief of pain, improved organ function and increased quality of life. Working with your traditional MD's we will customize a plan that will bring life changing results.
We treat many conditions including digestive problems, fertility, migraines, headaches, cancer side effect treatments, weight problems, and stroke patients as well as chronic pain, injuries and other many conditions.
At Bennett Acupuncture we use effective and affordable treatments including acupuncture, herbal medicine, nutrition and functional medicine to provide relief of pain, improved organ function and increased quality of life. Working with your traditional MD's we will customize a plan that will bring life changing results.
We treat many conditions including digestive problems, fertility, migraines, headaches, cancer side effect treatments, weight problems, and stroke patients as well as chronic pain, injuries and other many conditions.